Parkesburg Library News
June, 2022
County Ranger Programs. All 2:00 at Minch Park Pavilion. Awesome mammals June 1. Coming: June 22 Intro to Disk Golf, July 27 Natural Critters Craft, Aug. 24 Building a Natural Bird Feeder.
Sen. Carolyn Comitta Mobile Office, at Parkesburg Library, June 1, 2:00-4:00. Services Provided: SEPTA Key Senior ID Cards; Property/Rent Rebate; PennDOT Questions or Assistance; Birth/Death Certificate Requests; Unclaimed Property; Any State Government Issue.
Science in the Summer, Be a Biologist, in person this year. Registration is online, ending June 3www.scienceinthesummer.com. Selection is by lottery. Location: Parkesburg Baptist Church Meeting Hall. Dates: July 27 & 28, 2 hours each day, 12:15 – 2:30 with a 15- minute break after the first hour. Students 7 to 12 years old, no more age groups, 20 students maximum.
Summer Reading, sign up now, starts June 13, ends August 15.
Hospice Volunteering, information session Saturday, June 4, 10:00 – 11:00.
Barnstormers Baseball in Lancaster! Library fundraiser, $15 per ticket group rate. Saturday, June 4 at 6:30, go to https://fevo.me/parkesburglibrary1
Saturday, Sept. 17 at 6:30, go to https://fevo.me/parkesburglibrary2
Final Friday June 24, School’s Out! Library will be there with crafts for kids.
Environmental Program, Keeping our Environment Clean. Get familiar with the 3 Rs, play a
recycling game, create posters for our community. July 12, 10:00 – 11:00, Minch Park Pavilion.
Brandywine River Museum We have a FREE PASS! Free admission to the museum for up to 4 guests. Patrons need to come to the library to borrow the pass, first come, first served.
Chess Club, details to follow.
Book Sale Corner, in the Children’s Room during library hours. Books, DVDs, CDs, etc.
PAWS for Reading, 3rd Tuesdays, 5:30-6:30. Kids read to a nice dog. Call for a 15-minute spot.
Knitting and Crochet Club, every Wednesday, 6:00-8:00 pm in the library. All levels of experience welcome. Bring your project and join in the fun!
Mystery Book Club, 3rd Thursday of the month, 6:00 – 7:00, in person and Zoom.
Help the library when you order from Amazon.com Go to http://smile.amazon.com to sign
up. Same products and prices. Amazon gives the library .5% of the purchase.
Volunteers needed for library activities – Book Sales, Final Fridays, and other scheduled events
Parkesburg Library, 105 West St, Parkesburg, PA, 610-857-5165, FAX 610-857-1193, www.parkesburglibrary.org, Hours: Monday and Thursday 10:00-5:00, Tuesday and Wednesday 10:00-7:00, Friday 10:00-4:00 (Saturdays 9:00-1:00 June 18-Aug 20). Library Board Meetings: 4th Mondays except July, Aug & Dec, 7:00 in the library.
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